One of my shots from yesterday... might be my favorite.

One of my shots from yesterday… might be my favorite.

So Friday evening I shot a wedding, I was the photographer and the witness.  The only people present were me, Boom (the officiate) and the couple.  NO ONE knew they were getting married.  The ceremony took place in the pouring rain in the gazebo at Mirror Lake in Eden Park… It was a little romantical.

After the ceremony Boom and I wondered whose parents had issue with the wedding… perhaps we will never know.

I went home Friday night, went to bed and I stayed there until Sunday morning.  I wouldn’t have gotten up then if it weren’t for my Dad’s birthday and our zip lining plans.

I told everyone it was my allergies.

It wasn’t.

I was in one of those dark holes that is so fucking hard to climb out of…  every time I fall into one I wonder “Will this be the time that I’m not able to climb out?”

I, physically, climbed out Sunday morning, I even took the camera and got some shots before meeting my parents.  I couldn’t let them down, I’ve hurt them so much already in this life…

Yea, I suck.  They’re good parents, I’m just a shitty daughter… they really should have had more than one kid.

Today, there is still a black fog over everything, but I’m going with God to Yellow Springs this afternoon to photograph sunflowers… I think that sunflowers have some positive effect on people who are residing in a black hole, we shall see…

I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised that no one wants to keep me, right??